Saturday 21 May 2011

To what extent was Nazi control Germany from 1933-1939 due to the popularity of their policies?

Other reasons why the Germans supported Hitler
The Policies
Evidence it was popular
Evidence of opposition
Life in Nazi Germany 

It is argued that, due to the success and popularity of Hitler’s policies the Nazi’s was in control from 1933-1939. There policies were a great significance compared to the crumbling failure of the Weimar Republic which many German people needed after the humiliation from both the Great War and the Wall Street crash many debate. However, there was much opposition that opposed Germany’s new life in Nazi Germany some were able to see past the use of Propaganda on the economy but many were put in to concentration camps as punishment to there uprising.
   It can argued, that there was other reasons to why Hitler was supported during 1933-1939. After the Wall St crash, the US called in its loan from Germany, and the German economy collapsed. The number of unemployed grew and people were beginning to starve on the streets. The population was getting desperate and they wanted to blame someone and looked to extreme solutions. Hitler offered them both and because of this. It can be argued, German’s turned to Nazism because they were desperate so they voted for the Nazi party. For example the number of Nazi seats in the Reichstag rose from 12 in 1928 to 230 in July 1933. Many historians have argued, because of Hitler’s personal qualities he was able to be followed by the German economy . Germany needed a sense of pride of there nation once again and Hitler was able to reach out to his audience in such away. Joseph Goebbels also supports this, “Only one who has heard him in such a setting can understand his full brilliance as a speaker”.
   However, it is argued that due to the popularity and success of Hitler’s policies many supported the Nazi party. Hitler’s polices suited the economy especially the hated Treaty of Versailles. It can be argued that many Germans had the same disgust as Adolf Hitler, ”The name November criminals will cling to these folk throughout the centuries”. Hitler’s aim was to abolish the treaty that made Germany most humiliated. The intention of the victors in the first world war was to keep Germany weakened so that it would never again threaten the peace of Europe . So one of the attractions of the Nazi Party was its promise to destroy the Treaty of Versailles and make Germany a strong and respected nation again so many Germans supported Hitler. Also, Jews were blamed for all Germany’s problems. Germany had lost the Great War because of the Jewish and a Jews were responsible for Germany’s problems and to feel better about themselves. The removal of thousands of Jews from their jobs also created vacancies in the labour market. It is argued, as the unemployment fell, Hitler’s popularity grew. Hitler’s policies in some way benefited everyone he promised everyone something for example he offered old age pensions which hadn’t been done before and he promised the young a better Germany for the future.
   It can be argued that Hitler’s policies were in fact popular. One of Hitlers polices to bring employment to all German people. When Hitler became chancellor in 1933, unemployment stood at 25.9%. By 1939 it stood at less than 1%. Hitler had delivered his promise of providing work and bread for the German people. It can be argued that, it is hardly surprising that many Germans who feared for their future saw Hitler as their savour and willingly supported him. Another argument for Hitler’s policies was, Propaganda. The Nazis were the first to use Propaganda and media manipulation to sell there ideology successfully. This helped them to maintain control and spread there beliefs to the German people. However, educated middle class people Germans accepted propaganda because it convinced them of attuides and beliefs they wanted to hear. Joseph Goebbels supported the propaganda, “If you tell a lie, tell a big lie and tell it often. People will believe you.” It can be argued, as long as the pain of Nazi Germany did not affect most individuals in Germany, they were prepared to go along with the Nazis even if they did not agree with their actions or ideology. Most Germans were not active Nazis, but Nazis gave many Germans what they wanted.
   Although, there was evidence for Hitler’s policies there is also evidence for opposing Hitler’s beliefs. The purpose of youth organisations, such as the Hitler Youth and the League of German Maidens, was to prepare boys for military service and the girls for motherhood. However, not all of the youth supported Hitler’s new regime. One member said, “We were politically programmed”. Girls who were regarded as true Aryans were sent off to special camps where they were bred like farm animals this was done produce what was known as the “Perfect German”. Some girls were unhappy with the emphasis on the three Cs (Church, children, cooker) in Germany Job-discrimination against women were encouraged. Women doctors, teachers and civil servants were forced to give up their careers. However, Hitler banned all trade union’s, there offices were closed, their money confiscated, and there leaders put in prison. Who ever tried to rise up the Nazis made sure they were put in to concentration camps or killed. The Nazis used “fear and horror” against anyone who disapproved of their regime. Although, the opposition group The Kreisau circle attempted to assonate Hitler by placing an explosive in a brief case under Hitler’s table although they were unsuccessful.
   However, it is argued was Hitler really that powerful. Historians debate that Hitler made all his decisions on policy, others see Germany as a country ruled by a variety of individuals, groups and organisations held together by Hitler who encouraged rivalry between top Nazis to ensure his own position. Herman Goring the Nazi Cabinet Minister would agree with the statement he said, “It was understood by all of us that as soon as we had come to power, we must hold that power under all circumstances”. Control over all people was achieved by the creation of a police state, the SS and by propaganda through all varieties of the media.
   In conclusion, the extent of Nazi control was successful. Many ordinary everyday working Germans supported Hitler’s policies. However, this may only be because Germany was in a crisis and all Germans were desperate to salvage what was left of there country. On the other hand, many believe Hitler’s policies appealed to many so it was difficult not to support such a determined leader.